'Help I'm in crisis'

How do i get help in a crisis?

If you are upset and having thoughts and urges about hurting yourself, or ending your life then stop, take a deep breath and read this page:

A crisis is any situation in which you feel you need urgent help. For example, you might feel in crisis if:

  • You are having suicidal thoughts and feelings
  • You are having thoughts about harming yourself
  • You have seriously hurt yourself

The table below gives some general information on how you can get help in a crisis:

What's happening Ways you can get help
You think you may act on suicidal feelings, or you have seriously harmed yourself
  • You can go to any hospital A&E department and ask for help (if you need to, you can call 999 and ask for an ambulance).
  • You can call 111 option 2 to access support
  • If you are in Essex you can call the Crisis Line on 0300 300 1600 (M-F, 9-5) or 0300 555 120 (weekends and evenings)
  • If you are in Hertfordshire you can call the Crisis Line on 0800 6444 101 (open 24/7)
You are feeling extremely distressed, or are experiencing suicidal feelings
  • You can call  Childline on 116 123 (freephone) - they're there to listen to you.
  • You can use the 'I need urgent help' tool on the YoungMinds website for more options.
  • If you are already in touch with a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) , you can contact them and ask how they can support you.
  • You might find it helpful to read YoungMinds' information pages on coping with:
You need medical help or advice fast, but it's not an emergency
  • You can contact your GP and make an appointment for as soon as possible.

Let someone know you do not feel safe or are struggling (a parent/carer or professional helpline).



  1. There are people who will listen, help and support you through this; it’s ok to ask for help.
  2. Just like stormy weather, strong feelings and urges will pass; it will not always feel this bad.
  3. Thoughts are just thoughts, we do not have to follow them. There are many other ways of managing other than harming yourself.

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